Making the Most of Employee Appreciation Day

At a time when budgets are tight, Employee Appreciation Day is a great opportunity to help your staff feel valued and build team rapport. It’s an easy win for employers, especially when wage increases are not on the cards.

Why is employee appreciation important to your business? Appreciation creates happiness -  and happier workers are around 12% more productive. They are engaged and accomplish more in the same amount of time. And it also helps to improve employee retention!

This year, Employee Appreciation Day falls on Thursday 1st March, which is just around the corner. For managers preoccupied with day-to-day operations, here are some tangible ways to make this day work for you.


Morning Tea and Other Alternatives


Organising a social event such as a staff morning tea is a tradition in many Australian organisations. For Employee Appreciation Day, you could extend this idea by presenting awards, running a raffle with door prizes, or fundraising for a favourite charity.  

Another alternative is inviting a guest speaker to inspire and empower your employees. While there might be a cost involved, if it incentivises people, isn’t that worth it? 

If a large percentage of your workforce consists of millennials, consider an off-site event such as Barefoot Bowls, or join forces with an environment group on a ‘green’ venture like tree planting. Millennials are known for valuing experiences and being socially aware, and they will most likely enjoy the opportunity to use their skills for the greater good.


Verbal Recognition


Good leaders know the power of praise and how to use it effectively. By acknowledging workers who go the extra mile, employers build goodwill and enhance the job satisfaction of their teams.  

Praise motivates people to aim higher and improve the quality of work in order to receive more recognition. However, managers can overlook this simple act due to hectic work schedules or hybrid work arrangements. What better opportunity to verbally recognise staff than Employee Appreciation Day? Coincidentally, the 1st of March is also World Compliment Day!


The Perennial Problem of Staff Retention


The Australian workforce is as mobile as it’s ever been, particularly among professionals.  

Around 1.3 million people changed jobs in the year ending February 2023, according to the ABS, which will be no surprise to employers battling staff retention. The skills shortage is indeed real!  

Although there are many reasons why people choose to change their jobs, including factors beyond an employer’s control, happy employees are less likely to seek out greener pastures.  

Using special occasions like Employee Appreciation Day to show team members you value and appreciate them, is just one way to build a strong and resilient workplace culture that is focused on business success.

For a more detailed strategy contact MJSP Management Consulting today. We can provide the HR expertise to help you build a strong workplace culture where great people can shine.



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